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Fight against depopulation of a little town at the same time helping  migrants to find a place where live, work and regain their freedom.
Main activities:
Creation of a new model of migrants and refugees integration for a little town where depopulation and ageing were the biggest problem to face.

Rebirth of a community and transformation of a small ancient village taking advantage of the migrant emergency as an opportunity of growth and creation of better life condition for everyone.

Creation in 2011 of local alternative currency (more similar to a voucher system) used by migrants and local retailer to promote a sustainable and socially inclusive economy. The necessity to adopt such a solution arise when contribution from government start to take too much time to arrive.

Language courses and artisanal workshop to improve integration process of migrants.

Accommodations for migrants in old abandoned apartment and houses giving them back sense of humanity, dignity, safety and of being part of something positive and constructive.

Main beneficiary group(s):
·         Refugees and migrants

·         Citizens of Riace and of close country


Examples of partnerships:
–          Schools

–          Local institute and cooperatives



Contrada Pipedo
+39 0964 771583
Domenico Lucano (Major)
