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Contact Us

For further information please contact us at: contact@ngo.socialgrowthhub.com

Slovakia: Robert MISKUF – r.miskuf@pedal-consulting.eu +421 908 248 505

Greece: Dr. Fiori A. Zafeiropoulouf.zafeiropoulou@thenest.org.gr +306941687080

Spain: Manon van Leeuwen; eolas.manon@gmail.com

Poland: Emilia Szczygielska – eszczygielska@spoleczna.pl +48 42 6642278

Romania: Prof.Dr. Ioana-Narcisa Crețu – ioana.cretu@ulbsibiu.ro, Dr. Delia Stefenel – deliastefenel@gmail.com

12 + 4 =

Sog Tim

We are excited to introduce the SoG-TIM –Social Growth for Trafficking and Immigration project! The main objective of SoG-TIM is to train nonprofits and prospective social entrepreneurs in acquiring the required 21st century skills for the development of innovative, technologically advanced...