Cooperativa Ezio is an Italian cooperative defined by “Type B” which, following its legal definition, is active in providing traineeships and job opportunities to disadvantaged individuals, such as refugees and immigrants.
Main activities:
Cooperativa Ezio actively collaborates with Italian institutions and with the public system that manages that inflow into the country of migrants (CARAs and SPRAR).
Starting from 2014, and in collaboration with another local cooperative (Cooperativa Melograno), has hosted and helped several tens of refugees coming from countries from SSA countries: the cooperative has been able to provide over 20 paid traineeships in sector such as indoor and outdoor cleaning, catering, retail, etc… of which 11 were transformed into long term, permanent employment contracts.
The cooperative is now working to help 9 refugees that has helped over the last 3 years to form their own cooperative, which will be in charge to provide services on the market in two key areas: cleaning services and African food catering. This should be the first cooperative in the country started and managed by refugees.
Main beneficiary group(s):
Refugees and migrants
Examples of partnerships:
Cooperativa Ezio has partnered with several actors, such as public institutions (central government,
Police, regional government, local municipalities) and other entities active in the support to
Migrants (NGOs, Cooperatives, etc…).
Via della Comunità 2, 20090 Pieve Emanuele (MI
+39 02/90720615