Here you will find the results of the research we have performed in the nonprofit and social entrepreneurship sector on migration and human trafficking before designing this training programme.
The SOG-TIM training platform has been designed based on the results of an extensive research addressed to the European sector. This research helped us to identify the skills, strategies and competences that social entrepreneurs, NGOS and professionals need in order to become social innovators and change makers. We performed an in-depth literature review in six european countries to identify the processes of co-creation and a situation analysis in the sector. We then identified collaborative and inclusive social enterprises active in Greece, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Spain. We investigated them in-depth to learn what are the skills and processes that they follow for social innovation to occur. We finally broadened our research to the whole population of NGOs and stakeholders to learn from you what are the needed skills to implement the successful strategies for co-creation and collaboration to achieve social innovation in the areas of trafficking and migration.
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